Embed Code Options

You can change most of the recorder client’s options directly in your embed code. The size, the maximum recording time, the payload data and more can all be changed by making changes to the embed code.

2.0 Embed Code

2.0 HTML

With the 2.0 HTML embed code, you use the <piperecorder> tag’s HTML attributes to control the recording client.

All the attributes are prefixed with the pipe- prefix.

This is the list of attributes you can edit or add to the <piperecorder> HTML tag:

Attributes that affect both the Desktop Recording Client and the Native Mobile Recording Client

pipe-accounthash (mandatory)The account hash value for your account, you will find it under https://dashboard.addpipe.com/account. This value should not be changed.
pipe-eidThe ID of the environment you want the new recordings to be recorded against. It used to be a numeric value (1 for the initial Production environment and the default value) before we switched to alphanumeric environment IDs. It can be changed to any ID of an environment on your account. You can get the environment ID from the Edit environment page.
pipe-aoWhen set to 1, the Pipe Recording Client will switch to to audio only mode. The default value is 0.

Attributes that affect only the Desktop Recording Client

pipe-qualityurl (mandatory)The path to the audio & video quality profile. Right now, you can choose between avq/240p.xml, avq/360p.xml, avq/480p.xml, avq/720p.xml, and avq/1080p.xml or it can be the path to your custom quality profile.
pipe-width (mandatory)The width of the recorder with the desired unit
pipe-height (mandatory)The height of the recorder in pixels
pipe-mrtThe maximum recording time in seconds for the desktop recording client. The default value, if the pipe-mrt attribute is missing or invalid, is 600.
pipe-showmenuWhether or not the bottom control menu of the desktop recorder will be visible. The default value is 1 (visible). Change the value to 0 to hide the bottom control menu.
pipe-asvWhether or not recordings streamed through the desktop recording client should be saved & processed without user interaction. When the property/attribute is missing or it is set to 1, the recordings will be saved automatically for further processing. When set to 0 the user will have to interact with the recorder’s save button (or a custom button that triggers the save action through the JS APIs) for the new recording to be saved and processed. Default value: 1.

We delete unsaved recording files from our media servers after one hour (starting with the moment the user has disconnected or recorded a subsequent recording in the same recorder). We’ve created this buffer to allow the user to reconnect - in case of disconnection - and continue recording or save an unsaved recording and, less importantly, to allow for extended playback over HTTPS.

pipe-mvShort for mirror video. When set to 1, the desktop recording client will flip the video image horizontally during recording. When it is missing or set to 0 the image during recording will not be flipped. The default value is 0. During playback, the image will not be flipped. The image in the final recording will not be flipped.
pipe-sisShort for skip initial screen. When set to 1, the initial screen with the [Record Video] or [Record Audio] text will not be shown and the desktop recording client will jump directly to the webcam recording screen. The default value is 0.
pipe-ssbIs short for Show Settings Buttons and goes hand in hand with the pipe-showmenu setting. When set to 0 it will hide the camera icon, microphone icon and microphone level meter. Default value: 1.
pipe-avrecWhen set to 0, the Pipe recorder will hide the option to record video/audio from the camera. If the setting is not specified in the embed code, it will be considered to have the value 1, and the option to record video/audio will be displayed by default. Default value: 1.
pipe-dupWhen set to 1, the Pipe recorder will allow users to upload pre-recorded videos or audio files. Default value: 0.
pipe-srecWhen set to 1, the Pipe recorder will show the user the option to record the screen + camera along with the options to record from the camera & upload an existing recording (if the options are enabled). Default value: 0.
pipe-nsWhen set to 0, the Pipe recorder will instruct the browser to disable any browser-based noise suppression when recording with the desktop recorder. This might not remove any OS level or audio driver level noise suppression. Default value: 1.
pipe-bgcolThe background color of the recorder. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
pipe-cornerradiusControls the corner radius of the Pipe recorder.
pipe-menucolThe color of the control menu of the recorder. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
pipe-normalcolThe default color for the buttons and other clickable Pipe recorder UI elements. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
pipe-overcolThe hover color for the buttons and other clickable Pipe recorder UI elements. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
pipe-countdowntimerSetting a number determines where the recording countdown starts at. For example, if set to 3, the countdown before the recording starts from 3. If it is not set, or set to 0, the recording will start right after clicking the record button. Default value: 0.
pipe-bgblurWhen set to 1, a background blurring effect toggle switch will be available in the Pipe recorder’s camera selection menu. Default value: 0. This is a BETA feature.
pipe-downloadbtnWhen set to 0, the Pipe desktop recorder will hide the download button in the bottom menu. By default, the button is visible. Default value: 1.
pipe-timertypeControls the behavior of the timer in the recording client. When set to 0, the timer functions as a count-up timer. When set to 1, it functions as a count-down timer. Default behavior is count-up.
pipe-hidesaveWhen set to 1, it hides the save button when autosave (asv) is disabled. The default value is 0.

2.0 JavaScript

In the 2.0 JS version of the embed code, you initialize your own JavaScript object (with different properties) and pass it to the PipeSDK.insert() method.

Here is a simple example:

var YOUR_CUSTOM_OBJECT = { size: {width:640,height:390}, qualityurl: "avq/720p.xml", accountHash:"ACCOUNT_HASH", payload:'{"userId":"55a95eeb936dd30100e0aff6","jobId":"55a7e6555f1bdc010014d6a1"}', eid:"ENVIRONMENT_ID", showMenu:1, mrt:120, sis:0, asv:0, mv:1, st:1, ssb:1, dup:1 };

And then pass it to PipeSDK.insert():

PipeSDK.insert('my_ID', YOUR_CUSTOM_OBJECT, function(recorderObject){
    //custom code goes here

The callback function will return the actual recorder object (recorderObject in the example above).

See JavaScript Control API and JavaScript Events API section for information on how the recorderObject can be used.

Here is the list of object properties that you can edit or add to your recorder object.

Properties that affect both the Desktop Recording Client and the Mobile Native Recording Client

accountHash (mandatory)The account hash value for your account, you will find it under https://dashboard.addpipe.com/account. This value should not be changed.
eidThe ID of the environment you want the new recordings to be recorded against. It used to be a numeric value (1 for the initial Production environment and the default value) before we switched to alphanumeric environment IDs. It can be changed to any ID of an environment on your account. You can get the environment ID from the Edit environment page.
aoWhen set to 1, the Pipe Recording Client will switch to audio only mode. The default value is 0.

Properties that affect only the Desktop Recording Client

size (mandatory)The object that contains the width and height of the recorder, as properties
qualityurl (mandatory)The path to the audio & video quality profile. Right now, you can choose between avq/240p.xml, avq/360p.xml, avq/480p.xml, avq/720p.xml, and avq/1080p.xml or it can be the path to your custom quality profile.
mrtThe maximum recording time in seconds for the desktop recording client. The default value, if the mrt property is missing or invalid, is 600.
showMenuWhether or not the bottom control menu of the desktop recorder will be visible. The default value is 1 (visible). Change the value to 0 to hide the control menu.
asvWhether or not recordings streamed through the desktop recording client should be saved & processed without user interaction. When the property/attribute is missing or it is set to 1, the recordings will be saved automatically for further processing. When set to 0 the user will have to interact with the recorder’s save button (or a custom button that triggers the save action through the JS APIs) for the new recording to be saved and processed. Default value: 1.

We delete unsaved recording files from our media servers after one hour (starting with the moment the user has disconnected or recorded a subsequent recording in the same recorder). We’ve created this buffer to allow the user to reconnect - in case of disconnection - and continue recording or save an unsaved recording and, less importantly, to allow for extended playback over HTTPS.

mvShort for mirror video. When set to 1, the desktop recording client will flip the video image horizontally during recording. When it is missing or set to 0 the image during recording will not be flipped. The default value is 0. During playback, the image will not be flipped. The image in the final recording will not be flipped.
sisShort for skip initial screen. When set to 1, the initial screen with the [Record Video] or [Record Audio] text will not be shown and the desktop recording client will jump directly to the webcam recording screen. The default value is 0.
ssbIs short for Show Settings Buttons and goes hand in hand with the showMenu setting. When set to 0 it will hide the microphone icon and microphone level meter when the bottom recorder menu is not shown. It is used in kiosk applications. Default value: 1.
avrecWhen set to 0, the Pipe recorder will hide the option to record video/audio from the camera. If the setting is not specified in the embed code, it will be considered to have the value 1, and the option to record video/audio will be displayed by default. Default value: 1.
dupWhen set to 1, the Pipe recorder will allow users to upload pre-recorded videos or audio files. Default value: 0.
srecWhen set to 1, the Pipe recorder will show the user the option to record the screen + camera along with the options to record from the camera & upload an existing recording (if the options are enabled). Default value: 0.
nsWhen set to 0, the Pipe recorder will instruct the browser to disable any browser-based noise suppression when recording with the desktop recorder. This might not remove any OS level or audio driver level noise suppression. Default value: 1.
bgColThe background color of the recorder. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
cornerradiusControls the corner radius of the Pipe recorder.
menuColThe color of the control menu of the recorder. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
normalColThe default color for the buttons and other clickable Pipe recorder UI elements. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
overColThe hover color for the buttons and other clickable Pipe recorder UI elements. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
countdowntimerSetting a number determines where the recording countdown starts at. For example, if set to 3, the countdown before the recording starts from 3. If it is not set, or set to 0, the recording will start right after clicking the record button. Default value: 0.
bgblurWhen set to 1, a background blurring effect toggle switch will be available in the Pipe recorder’s camera selection menu. Default value: 0. This is a BETA feature.
downloadbtnWhen set to 0, the Pipe desktop recorder will hide the download button in the bottom menu. By default, the button is visible. Default value: 1.
timertypeControls the behavior of the timer in the recording client. When set to 0, the timer functions as a count-up timer. When set to 1, it functions as a count-down timer. Default behavior is count-up.
hidesaveWhen set to 1, it hides the save button when autosave (asv) is disabled. The default value is 0.

1.0 Embed Code

Changing the size

To change the size of the recorder client on the desktop just change the width and height values in the size object: var size = {width:320, height:270};. The size object is mandatory with the 1.0 embed code.

Changing any other option

To change any other option you need to edit or add the corresponding property of the flashvars object. This is the list of different properties that you can add or change and what they do:

Options that affect both the Desktop Recording Client and the Mobile Native Recording Client

accountHash (mandatory)The account hash value for your account, you will find it under https://dashboard.addpipe.com/account. This value should not be changed.
eidThe ID of the environment you want the new recordings to be recorded against. It used to be a numeric value (1 for the initial Production environment and the default value) before we switched to alphanumeric environment IDs. It can be changed to any ID of an environment on your account. You can get the environment ID from the Edit environment page.
aoWhen set to 1, the Pipe Recording Client will switch to audio only mode. The default value is 0.
recorderIdA custom string that gets sent back with every function in the desktop recorder JS Events API for the 1.0 embed code. The default value is an empty string.

Options that affect only the Desktop Recording Client

qualityurl (mandatory)The path to the audio & video quality profile. Right now, you can choose between avq/240p.xml, avq/360p.xml, avq/480p.xml, avq/720p.xml, and avq/1080p.xml or it can be the path to your custom quality profile.
mrtThe maximum recording time in seconds for the desktop recording client. The default value, if the mrt property is missing or invalid, is 600.
showMenuWhether or not the bottom control menu of the desktop recorder will be visible. The default value is true (visible). Change it to false to hide the bottom control menu of the desktop recording client.
asvWhether or not recordings streamed through the desktop recording client should be saved & processed without user interaction. When the property/attribute is missing or it is set to 1, the recordings will be saved automatically for further processing. When set to 0 the user will have to interact with the recorder’s save button (or a custom button that triggers the save action through the JS APIs) for the new recording to be saved and processed. Default value: 1.

We delete unsaved recording files from our media servers after one hour (starting with the moment the user has disconnected or recorded a subsequent recording in the same recorder). We’ve created this buffer to allow the user to reconnect - in case of disconnection - and continue recording or save an unsaved recording and, less importantly, to allow for extended playback over HTTPS.

mvShort for mirror video. When set to 1, the desktop recording client will flip the video image horizontally during recording. When it is missing or set to 0 the image during recording will not be flipped. The default value is 0. During playback, the image will not be flipped. The image in the final recording will not be flipped.
sisShort for skip initial screen. When set to 1, the initial screen with the [Record Video] or [Record Audio] text will not be shown and the desktop recording client will jump directly to the webcam recording screen. The default value is 0.
ssbIs short for Show Settings Buttons and goes hand in hand with the showMenu setting. When set to 0 it will hide the microphone icon and microphone level meter when the bottom recorder menu is not shown. It is used in kiosk applications. Default value: 1.
avrecWhen set to 0, the Pipe recorder will hide the option to record video/audio from the camera. If the setting is not specified in the embed code, it will be considered to have the value 1, and the option to record video/audio will be displayed by default. Default value: 1.
dupWhen set to 1, the Pipe recorder will allow users to upload pre-recorded videos or audio files. Default value: 0.
srecWhen set to 1, the Pipe recorder will show the user the option to record the screen along with the options to record from the camera & upload an existing recording (if the options are enabled). Default value: 0.
nsWhen set to 0, the Pipe recorder will instruct the browser to disable any browser-based noise suppression when recording with the desktop recorder. This might not remove any OS level or audio driver level noise suppression. Default value: 1.
bgColThe background color of the recorder. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
cornerradiusControls the corner radius of the Pipe recorder.
menuColThe color of the control menu of the recorder. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
normalColThe default color for the buttons and other clickable Pipe recorder UI elements. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.
overColThe hover color for the buttons and other clickable Pipe recorder UI elements. Must be a hexadecimal value prefixed with 0x as in 0xffffff.