Using the Minified Version of Pipe.js

The minified version, pipe.min.js, is a more compact version of our 2.0 embed code pipe.js. It is smaller in size so it will load faster for your website users. This is especially helpful to users who have a slow Internet connection.

As I write this, the standard version is 92.88 KB after gzip compression, and the minified version is 82.29 KB ( roughly 11,5% smaller ).

The functionality remains the same but with the added benefits of a smaller JavaScript file.

To switch to the minified version simply replace pipe.js with pipe.min.js in your <script> tag:

  • when loading from our AWS powered worldwide CDN:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
  • when loading from our EU delivery servers:
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>