Pipe in Different Languages

The Pipe Recording Clients support the following languages for their user interface:

  • English (default)
  • French
  • German
  • Spanish

Our recording clients look for any preferred language hints in the browser and OS, and if there’s a match, the respective language is used. Once the language is decided, the user can’t change between languages.

You can also force a different language (or just custom wording) by using an external .xml language file hosted by you.

Language Detection Mechanism

On PC/Mac

On desktop devices, the Desktop Recording Client detects the preferred language setting of the browser in which it is run (using the HTTP Accept-Language header) and will use that language if available.

On iOS/Android

On mobile devices, the preferred language setting in the mobile OS is used, regardless of the recording client you are using (Desktop Recording Client inline or the Mobile Native Recording Client).

Using Your Own Language File

The Pipe Recording Clients allow you to use your own language file (XML file hosted on your website) by linking directly to it, in the embed code, using the pipe-lang attribute or lang property.

When you use your own language file, the preferred language detection mechanisms mentioned above and the 4 languages provided by Pipe are not used.

It is also important to adhere to the following guidelines when hosting your own custom language XML file:

  • Deliver the XML file with the appropriate Content-Type header: application/xml or text/xml; charset=UTF-8
  • Ensure that the XML file does not begin with a Byte Order Mark (BOM) character. This can interfere with correct parsing. The BOM, if present, can be removed for example with the Visual Studio Code editor.

Step 1: create your own language file and host it

Here is one of the default language files as an example: en.xml. Download it, translate the texts, and upload it to your website.

Embed Code v2.0 via HTML

Add the pipe-lang="https://yourdomain.com/language_file.xml" attribute to the piperecorder tag.

<piperecorder id="custom-id" pipe-width="640" pipe-height="390" pipe-qualityurl="avq/360p.xml" pipe-accounthash="ACCOUNT_HASH" pipe-eid="ENVIRONMENT_ID" pipe-mrt="600" pipe-avrec="1" pipe-lang="https://yourdomain.com/language_file.xml"></piperecorder>

Embed Code v2.0 via JavaScript

Add the lang property to your custom JavaScript object:

var pipeParams = {size:{width:640,height:390}, qualityurl:"avq/360p.xml", accountHash:"ACCOUNT_HASH", eid:"ENVIRONMENT_ID", mrt:600, avrec:1, lang:"https://yourdomain.com/language_file.xml"};

Your custom object will be passed as a parameter to PipeSDK.insert().

Embed Code v1.0

Add the lang property to your flashvars object:

var flashvars = {qualityurl:"avq/720p.xml", lang:"https://yourdomain.com/language_file.xml", accountHash:"ACCOUNT_HASH", eid:"ENVIRONMENT_ID", mrt:600, avrec:1};

Step 3: allow us to load the .xml file from your website

In case you are hosting the custom .xml language file on a different domain than the one you are you are embedding the Pipe Recording Clients in, you must enable CORS on the server on which you are hosting the custom .xml language file.

For example, on Apache, to add the CORS authorization header, you must add the following line in either the Directory, Location, Files, or VirtualHost sections of your server config (usually located in a *.conf file, such as httpd.conf or apache.conf), or within a .htaccess file:

Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "https://SITE-WHERE-PIPE-IS-EMBEDDED.com"

For more details on how to configure CORS on other servers see https://enable-cors.org/server.html.